Thursday 19 January 2012

Soap & Glory SUPERCAT Carbon Black extreme eyeliner pen review & pics!

Hey lovelies!!!

I hope you've all had a pleasant week and are looking forward to the WEEKEND! :)

I had to share this product with you guys - I've been wearing it literally EVERY day since I bought it a couple of weeks ago...

It's Soap & Glory's new(ish!) SUPERCAT eyeliner pen... and it's UH-MAZING!!!

I've always (and I mean ALWAYS!) used Rimmel's Exaggerate liquid eye liner, but I found the nib was just too thick and it would often smudge and rub onto my upper lid. I required a thin, pen-like liner - I was tempted to buy L'Oreal's Carbon Gloss liner but I've heard rumours it's too 'glossy'! So I kind of went out and bought this on a whim without really reading any reviews or anything...

& I'm so glad I did!

It's just got the most perfect, pointy nib that is literally like a felt tin pen!

It leaves a super thin line that's precise and accurate and NEVER smudges. It goes EXACTLY where you want it to!

I can't reiterate enough how fast, easy and convenient it is. Seriously, I am ALWAYS in a rush applying my make-up and with it I can do my eye liner in like 30 secs!

...& you know the best bit? It's only £6!!! You can't afford to not try it really, at that price... Oh, and S&G are on 3 for 2 at Boots at the moment as well!

Here's a couple of full face shots so you can see how it looks IRL...
I think it leaves a really natural line that can easily be adjusted to appear thick or thin. With this liner I've found that you can even just draw the outline and then 'colour it in' as well! It's just fab :)

I'm really looking forward to trying some other items in the Soap and Glory make-up line now, including their imitation Benetint "Cheekmate" and their raved about concealer!

Have you tried any Soap & Glory make-up?

Let me know if it's any good!




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